中国传统音乐 Chinese traditional music | 中华传统文化教育网 | 中华传统文化教育网,传承中国传统文化,弘扬民族正气!

中国传统音乐 Chinese traditional music

发布时间:2019-10-23 18:47:16 作者:ctcen 阅读量:1150


Chinese traditional music

We can see the word "national music" in many folk music CDs. This "national music" refers to the music that has been handed down from ancient times and developed in modern times. It can be seen that the time of creation of "national music" refers to the ancient time; "new music" refers to the music written by those who have studied western music, such as school songs. It can be seen that the time of creation of new music is after the Opium War in 1840.


"Chinese traditional music" refers to the music created by the Chinese people in their own way, in their own form and with the characteristics of their own inherent form. It includes not only the ancient works produced and handed down in history, but also the contemporary works. It can be seen that traditional music includes "national music" instead of "new music", but they are all "Chinese music".


Traditional music is a very important part of our national music. The difference between traditional music and new music is not in the order of creation time, but in its form and style.

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